If you buy over 80CP, you can decide to use them in one month and gain full protection, or get 40CP/month for 2 months.
We offer a complete package of capable modules, that are efficient & easy to manage from our panel. Try our lite version before buying.
Anti-patching - 0 CP
Prevents modifications to the game's executable. Preventing permanent binary patches is the first step of securing client integrity.
Client Limit - 1 CP
Limit the number of clients a user can open. You can also set to 0 to temporary restrict access to client.
Directory Security - 2 CP
Monitors and secures client directory against potentially dangerous files while checking the integrity of the existing ones (if they exist to assure a large compatibility).
Module Security - 2 CP
Ensures that only authorized modules are loaded by the client. If a dangerous module is loaded, client will close.
Anti-Debugging - 3 CP
Detects and prevents debugging attempts, making it difficult for hackers to analyze and manipulate the game memory real-time.
Anti-Macros - 3 CP
Detects and blocks the use of mouse/keyboard macros, which are often used to automate gameplay without hooking winapi functions.
Anti-DXHooks - 3 CP
Prevents unauthorized DirectX hooks used in most internal cheats (ex: ESP rendering).
Anti-Hooks - 3 CP
Detects and blocks various types of hooks that hackers may use to find and manipulate game functions or data.
Anti-Drivers - 3 CP
Secures the client session against dangerous drivers which could be used to bypass other protection modules or inject cheats. This was created for Gold Plan, but was included in Bronze so it will protect all the modules in bronze&silver aginst vulnerable drivers too.
Anti VPN&Proxy - 3 CP
Prevents the use of VPN&Proxy while the client is running.
Python Dynamic Library - 2 CP
Additional protection if you use dynamic python library(dll)
Activate Reports - 11 CP
Get reports & HWID data from hackers, so you can mentain the game's longevity & economy.
Internet check - 1 CP
Close the client if access to internet stopped(to ensure no cheating is attempted without being reported).
Anti-SpeedHack - 3 CP
Monitors the game's tick rate avoiding any synchronization problems.
Watchdogs - 3 CP
Constantly monitors the game for abnormal behavior or unauthorized modifications, automatically ending the session if a threat is detected.
Special Privilege - 11 CP
Restricts and monitors attempts to adjust system privileges that could be used to gain unauthorized access or control over the client.
Anti-UndetectedCheats - 3 CP
This contains some tricks to detect other tricks used by cheats to become "undetected".This option can become really annoying for hackers, forcing them to rewrite core parts of their software(if they figure it).
Anti-Injection - 3 CP
Prevents injections to the client. Atm we cover 9 injection methods.
Hide logo - 3 CP
You can disable the start logo banner, import new functions or even change the dll name to make it look like a different protection.
Captcha - 11 CP
CAPTCHA system to prevent automated bots from interfering with gameplay,it implies kicking all bots every x [timer], ensuring that only real players can interact with the game, even if the cheat is not detected.
The system asks you to solve a simple sum. The challange is super simple because you can't capture the CAPTCHA window with software/external monitors so captcha solvers & in-memory detections won't work.
Random position - 2 CP
This option will make the captcha be displayed at random positions on the user's screen.
Block UI - 2 CP
Block UI while the captcha
Hide challenge - 2 CP
Makes the challenge invisible only after hovering on the missing element
Captcha schedule - 0 CP
Owners can schedule CAPTCHA challenges, ensuring continuous protection against bots for the entire gaming session. Options include setting the time between challenges (in minutes)
Time to solve - 0 CP
Owners can set the time allowed to solve the CAPTCHA (in seconds).
Max tries - 0 CP
Owners can specify the maximum number of allowed failed attempts for the challange.